Praying Candle
The candle symbolizes light in the darkness of life especially individual life, illlumination; it is the symbol of holy illumination of the spirit of truth. … Its components also have great meaning: wax – pure flesh or humanity, wick – soul, light – love, divinity, flame – godhead, fire – obedience, heat – humility.

Ghee Lamp Candle (Red)

Ghee Lamp Candle (Yellow)

168 Huat Kuih Candle

168 Prosperity Candle

168 Pineapple Candle

Ghee Lamp Candle (Yellow)
(8 Hours+-)

Ghee Lamp Candle (Red)
(8 Hours+-)

Traditional Lotus Candle

Ghee Candle (Red)
(24 Hours x 2pcs)

Ghee Candle (Yellow)
(24 Hours x 2pcs)